Laser Cut Key / High Security Keys

If you are looking to get a new high security key or laser cut key programmed or replaced, we are always available.

What are high security keys?

High security keys, also known as laser cut keys have a different kind of blade as compared to regular keys. They are known for their unique appearance, because they are made with a regular depth down the middle, making them thicker and stronger. The biggest benefit of laser cut keys is the added security; it is harder for thieves to pick the locks and make duplicates because such keys are not easily made. Unlike regular keys, laser cut keys are unique, which means you can’t use one key to unlock other cars.

Laser cut keys are known to be heavier than traditional keys because of the depth of the metal used for the groove cut. They have a winding slit cut instead of notches cut along its side seen in regular keys.

Using the latest machines, we offer laser cut key cutting and duplication services with a high level of precision. Our locksmiths have the skills and tools to give you the high security key that is best for your car. With these keys, you can secure a higher protection for your car and anything in it.

Laser Cut Car Key Laser Cut Key